
Next-generation information processing

Taking clues from human thinking, I will go out on a limb and suggest that the next generation of information processing systems will manipulate structural information, not just factual data. For example, applications will constantly reorganize their own data model, as data accumulates, in order to efficiently store, query, and update the information. This will have to do with modifying the relationships between entities, and redefining what makes an entity. Automatically, and in real time.

Human information process

The best model we have for an information processing system is the human machine itself. I am not saying human brain or human mind because human information processing is performed in the brain as well as in the body. A good illustration of how the two are related lies in the various states of behaviour (consciousness?) that we can be

  • State of concentration: in which we can focus on one thread of thought. It seems that while we concentrate, our senses - pieces of hardware - actually filter out external stimuli to minimize the interruptions of the main thread of thinking.
  • State of anger: in which the rational subsystem is overriden by what appears to be lower-level, reactive instincts. Also, the level of readiness for violent action increases, which must mean that most energy is being redirected to the motor organs of the body. Can lead to a state of fury when the rational subsystem is completely shutdown.

Notes on thought

  • Thinking can be cyclic and self-reinforcing.
  • Thoughts once emitted decay. Thinking energy (concentration?) can sustain them but always on a decaying curve.
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